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Tell Congress Whales Do Not Belong in Captivity!
Dear John,
The Strengthening Welfare in Marine Settings (SWIMS) Act (H.R. 7145/S. 3694) was reintroduced this week! If passed, this bill would phase out the captivity of certain cetacean species: orcas (also known as killer whales), beluga whales, pilot whales, and false killer whales, the larger cetacean species held by marine theme parks and aquariums. Specifically, it would prohibit the breeding, wild capture, and import/export of these species for purposes of public display.
In captivity, cetaceans are confined within much-too-small spaces and deprived of the rich social interactions, physical activity, and mental stimulation they would experience in the wild. The stress of these unnatural conditions often lead to abnormal behaviors and a premature death. Since the beginning of 2021, three orcas and at least four belugas have died in captivity in the United States. Science increasingly supports the conclusion that, due to their size and their physiological and social needs, these species cannot cope in captivity.
Federal permits can still be issued for capture and import of cetaceans into the United States for public display. The SWIMS Act would prohibit these practices. The bill would not prohibit the continued holding of animals currently in captivity, thus providing marine theme parks and aquariums time to transition to a more humane future.
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What You Can Do
Please urge your US representative and senators to cosponsor the SWIMS Act (H.R. 7145/S. 3694). ([link removed]) Share our action alert with family, friends, and co-workers, and encourage them to take action, too. As always, thank you very much for your help!
Ericca Gandolfo
Policy Advisor
Government Affairs
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Photo by kuremo
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Animal Welfare Institute
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