Green Union Hall’s first event of 2024.

Dear John,

Green Union Hall is a hub of solidarity and support for organizing efforts in the nonprofit sector, and Breach Collective is a proud member!

We are excited to invite you to Green Union Hall’s first virtual event of 2024: Organizing 101, next Thursday, February 8 from 5-6:30pm PT / 8-9:30pm ET. This workshop will be the first of a series on how (and why!) to unionize your nonprofit workplace.


This workshop will offer a nuts-and-bolts introduction to the first stages of organizing a union within your workplace. Highly-experienced organizers within nonprofit and other sectors will guide workshop participants through how to conduct initial conversations with coworkers, power-map your workplace, build internal support for unionizing, and identify potential affiliate unions. They will also share sector-specific insights and answer your most burning questions.

The all-star panel includes:

  • Tykee James, Former Organizer/Member of The Bird Union (National Audubon Society)

  • Neha Mathew-Shah, Co-Founder and Former President of Progressive Workers Union

  • Grace Reckers, OPEIU Local 2 Organizer, OPEIU Staff Union Member, and EWOC Volunteer

We hope to see you there!

In solidarity,

Danny and the Breach Teach
