Congress’s newest package of COVID-19 pandemic relief is in the works, and the way it’s going, it looks like it will be more tax breaks for corporations, banks, airlines, and not enough support for people.
The single most effective thing you can do to convince a lawmaker to pass meaningful supports for family caregivers is sharing your personal experiences. We know that our stories make caregiving real for members of Congress, and storytelling is the most powerful tool we have as advocates.
If our elected officials don’t hear from unpaid family caregivers like us, it’s likely that the relief money could be a slush fund for corporations. That means no meaningful help for the 40 million+ family caregivers who are facing an uncertain future for themselves, their families, and the loved ones they care for every day.
Will you take a few minutes to tell us your experiences caregiving in this crisis? Congress needs to understand what caregivers like you are facing.

Just six weeks ago, I started a new job here at Caring Across Generations. And already in that time, my caregiving situation has only gotten more complicated as the COVID-19 virus spreads across the world.
Back then, everything felt under control. With the help of Naomi, our nanny, I could care for my 22-month old daughter while my partner worked full time in our neighborhood. As many of you know, it's always a dance with childcare and work but we were lucky and made it work.
Then, last month, I had to help my mom prepare for surgery and I took some time off to be with her at the hospital. Again, a busy time but we were fortunate enough to make it work.
Now, not even two months later, everything feels turned upside down. The town where we live is on lockdown. I find myself in the role of caregiver not only for my daughter, but also for my Mom and Dad. We're paying our nanny still but asking her to stay home and stay healthy. And my parents aren't able to care for themselves right now.
I feel sick with worry for my parents. We're dropping off groceries and medication on their doorstep, not risking any exposure by being with them; we haven’t seen them in-person in weeks. I feel overwhelmed by having to tend to their needs and also take care of my daughter and partner in these scary times.
I’m not sure what will happen and how we’ll make do.
Will you join me and share your story today?
So many of you are dealing with the same concerns and fears about the people you love and care for in this time. Before this, I don’t know that I would have described myself as a caregiver. But I sure do now. I bet you might, too. That’s why telling your story today can make the difference between help on the way and no help and sight.
Will you share your story with us today? We want to hear from you and we often share stories (with your permission) with lawmakers. It’s the single most effective tool we have to show members of Congress what caregivers face in this country.
Your experience could be what moves our lawmakers to put family caregivers at the front of the line when it comes to the next relief package. I’ll be sharing my story with them and I hope we can count on you to share your story, too.
In solidarity and with care,

Sade Dozan
Senior Development Manager
Caring Across Generations
PS — I lead Caring Across Generations’s Development Department, so I’d be remiss if I didn’t at least ask. In this challenging time, we’re ramping up our efforts to support caregivers all across the country, and we could really use your help. Would you please chip in $15 today to help us continue to build the Caring Majority? |