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Minnesota Family Council


Dear John,

It’s always important to pray for our leaders. In times of crisis, it’s even MORE important. You may remember that last year we launched the Church Ambassador Network … and it has already been a huge success! We had 64 pastors come to St. Paul to pray for and with legislators – from both sides of the aisle. We had 134 total pastor visits and met with 75% of the legislators.

This year we want to have 128 pastors engaged, 268 total visits and a meeting with EVERY SINGLE LEGISLATOR at the Capitol in St. Paul. We made big progress before the legislature shut down, and we’re now working to meet our goal through online meetings with legislators until the legislators comes back into session.

With your help we can achieve this goal! Once again this year, friends who believe in the power of this ministry have given us a $50,000 matching challenge. Can you help us secure the whole amount by making a gift of $25, $50, $100 or even more as God leads? 


The numbers above are encouraging but they don’t tell the whole story. Lives are being impacted as pastors roam the halls of the Capitol, meeting legislators, aides and security personnel. And the pastors themselves leave with a new sense of what “citizenship worthy of the Gospel” means.

Last year one legislator shared that, while the two parties had never been more divided, they were enjoying the work of finding common ground. When asked why he said, “I think the spirit of this place has changed this session, and I think it has a lot to do with what you and the other pastors have been doing here each day.”

The Spirit is moving and we can’t wait to see what happens this year!

Your gift of $25, $50, $100 or even more, as God leads, will help us keep the momentum going!

Click the “Donate” button below to make your gift today! Thank you and God bless!


 P.S. We're planning something big for our 2020 Annual Gala with keynote speaker Abby Johnson, the former Planned Parenthood director turned pro-life activist whose story of transformation inspired the hit movie Unplanned.

We are excited that we have a tentative plan for the event to go forward, possibly in a different format if virus concerns make that necessary. Registration is now open - click here to register! 


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Minnesota Family Council/Minnesota Family Institute
2855 Anthony Lane South
Minneapolis, MN, 55418-3265
Phone 612.789.8811 / FAX 612.789.8858

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