And hope you’re staying cozy – I am.

Bowman for Congress

Hey John,

WE DID IT!! 🙌🏿 Thanks to everyone who helped beat our January fundraising goal.

With less than five months until Election Day, we’re in a full-on sprint to connect with everyone here in the community. It’s only possible thanks to supporters like you.

Together, we WILL win. In the meantime, I hope you’re staying warm and enjoying the season. If you got snow last month, I hope you got a moment to enjoy the beauty. In NYC, we got our first real snow in two years, so you already know I was bundled up and staying cozy while doing the people’s business.

Representative Bowman, Peace & Love

I’m blessed to be in this with you. If you didn’t get a chance to donate before the deadline, you can still do so here.

Peace and love,
