Friend, temperatures are plummeting in crisis zones like Ukraine, Afghanistan and Gaza, where hundreds of thousands of children are left without access to food, water, heat or electricity.
We can’t afford to let worsening winter conditions put children’s lives at risk. Not when compounding crises like war, malnutrition and a lack of access to essential supplies already put them in danger. For children living in crisis zones, a cold winter can be deadly.
UNICEF works to provide everything a child needs to survive — but we need your support.
When you make a quarterly gift, you’ll help deliver the kind of long-term assistance that’s needed to protect children from dangerous drops in temperatures and ensure that UNICEF is ready to respond in every season to come.
Every three months, your gift will renew to provide even more powerful support to keep UNICEF’s work going. Make your first quarterly gift now >>
With your support so far, UNICEF has been able to:
- Sustain the functionality of critical water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) and health services, along with heating infrastructure for over 1.7 million people in Ukraine this winter
- Truck safe water to nearly 19,000 people in Afghanistan and provide 5,400 families with cash assistance to help cover their basic needs
- Provide 60,500 children in Gaza and the West Bank with winter clothing sets, including shoes, and blankets
But as temperatures drop and needs remain high, more resources will be needed — you can help make a significant impact on the lives of children in these chilly regions.
Make your first quarterly gift now to send critical supplies and care to children who need them the most.
Thank you for meeting the moment,
Shannon Coffey