There is no question that coronavirus has caused all businesses and non-profit, for-purpose organizations to pivot.  We, as individuals and as communities, are being asked to adjust our daily lives in big ways and find new ways to sustain our families and the organizations we've built from the ground up.  


I am here to tell you that we aren't giving up.  Now, more than ever, families experiencing pregnancy and infant loss need us.  If you've been there, you know exactly what I'm talking about.  You know how dark and lonely a place it is...that place of grief and loss and longing.  Now add, social distancing.


At NFTS, we are getting creative about how we will continue SERVE.  Our daily practices will temporarily change.  Our mission will not.


Celebrate Angels. At home.  

Unite Families. Virtually.  

Build Birthing + Bereavement Suites.  Soon.


It's your turn to weigh in on the question of the month!


How can we help you during this time of social distancing?!


Please join us in celebrating from home and uniting together virtually.  Today and every day I wish you joy + grace + gratitude,

Made with love in Flodesk.