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Now onto the news. Property tax assessment appeals by big business have cut into local governments' budgets, and tax bills remain uneven. Allegheny County Executive Sara Innamorato, as a candidate, backed reassessments with taxpayer protections. Will she do a reassessment?

Read more. ⬇️

Our top story

Property tax appeals erode budgets as assessment burden shifts

As Pittsburgh skyscrapers and Allegheny County big-box retail owners reap savings, schools and municipalities quiver and taxes on homeowners remain unhinged from values. Will Innamorato reassess?



After Adda Coffee closure, national board may be asked to read financial tea leaves

Greenwood Plan to bring business accelerator Downtown to aid Black enterprises

Inequitable enrichment: How Black and low-income students are largely left out of Pittsburgh’s gifted program 



The origins of Groundhog Day and Punxsutawney Phil

The Associated Press


Building relationships with people — not institutions — revived my almost-abandoned academic career

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