Millions of Americans will be forced to vote in-person and risk exposure to coronavirus during the next election – unless we pass a new bill allowing them to vote from home. Call your U.S. Senators TODAY to ensure all voters can cast their ballot safely during a public health crisis >>
Public health, the economy, and now elections: the coronavirus pandemic continues to take its toll on different parts of our lives.
Unless officials act now, Americans in 15 states will be forced to risk their health by lining up at crowded polling places to cast their ballots in upcoming elections.
A bill in the Senate will encourage states across the country to provide vote at home options during an emergency like we’re facing now. Call your senators TODAY and tell them to make vote at home available across America.
Calling elected officials can sound intimidating, but it’s actually fast and easy! Phone calls are more effective at getting leaders to take action than sending letters or emails. Your phone call will help protect the fundamental right of all American voters to participate in free and fair elections.
Nobody should have to choose between voting and their safety. Even if you are healthy and could go vote in person, many Americans have underlying conditions that could make voting a death sentence. For their sake, make a call now to protect every American's right to vote during this crisis.
Our hearts are with the families affected by the coronavirus. We wish you health and safety through these challenging times.
Jen Johnson Movement Director RepresentUs
P.S. Want to know more about how to vote from home and where it’s available? Read up on policies available in each state.  |