Tomorrow, our European Greens Congress kicks off in Lyon. We’ll adopt an election manifesto, decide on our campaign priorities, vote on new members of our Green family, and of course elect our Green leading candidates who will be the faces of our European Election campaign.
As part of the Green family, you can join the Congress even without being in Lyon. In this email, we tell you how.
Join the Courage Club!
This weekend marks the big launch of our election campaign WhatsApp channel. By joining, you'll receive the latest updates about our campaign, along with small, impactful tasks to support our cause, like sharing content with your network. It's an easy yet powerful way to contribute to our campaign, and thereby to a Greener Europe.
Make sure to join now and turn on notifications to stay in the loop!
We're happy to announce that select sessions of the Congress will be livestreamed, allowing you to join right from your home or on your phone from wherever you are. Here's a brief overview of some highlights that you can catch online:
Georges Gilkinet – Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Mobility, Belgium
Ernest Urtasun – Minister of Culture, Spain
Leading Candidates Election – 10:50 – 12:30 CET
This will be the culmination of our Congress during which we will elect the two leading candidates who will represent us during the upcoming European Elections.