From Drugs library newsletter <[email protected]>
Subject HRB National Drugs Library e-newsletter January 20(1). New research
Date February 1, 2024 10:05 AM
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Our newsletter includes links to Irish and international publications related to alcohol, tobacco
and other drugs.

To view our entire collection of research and access our resources visit our website [
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], Ireland's comprehensive substance use research library. And follow us @HRBdrugslibrary [
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]. For all recent additions see our recently added publications page. [
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Irish-related publications
Report of the Citizens’ Assembly on Drugs Use
(2024) Dublin: Citizens’ Assembly

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Deaths among people who were homeless at time of death in Ireland, 2020
Kelleher, Cathy et al (2024) Dublin: Health Research Board

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North Dublin Regional DATF alcohol research 2023: an exploration of the nature and extent of alcohol
use within North County Dublin
Ivers, Jo-Hanna and Dunne, Neil (2024) Dublin: North Dublin Regional Drug & Alcohol Task Force

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Drugs and Alcohol Work Sector: report on work sector activity 2021 - 2024
(2024) Edinburgh: British Irish Council

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Planet Youth in Ireland 2023 presentation videos. In: Planet Youth in Ireland Conference – 2023
Western Region Drug and Alcohol Task Force, Planet Youth. (2024), 17 November 2023, Galway

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Male patient attendances at Sexual Assault Treatment Units in Ireland: an analysis of 381 cases and
a comparison with female patients
Kane, Daniel et al (2024) Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine, Early online.

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The efficacy and safety of medicinal cannabis in adult populations: an evidence review
Lambe, Kathryn et al (2024) Dublin: Health Research Board

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Prevalence of chronic HCV infection in EU/EEA countries in 2019 using multiparameter evidence
Thomadakis, Christos et al (2024) The Lancet Regional Health - Europe, 36.

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On alert: New opioids and benzos in Scotland’s drugs supply (SDF Webinar).
(2023) Scottish Drugs Forum. [Includes talks by Nicki Killeen and Tony Duffin on the Irish

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Sexual, domestic, and gender-based abuse. A collection of experience and opinion
Houghton, Frank et al (2024) Journal of Global, Public and One Health, DOI: 10.61034-JGPOH/2024-2

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Maintaining integrity in alcohol research in Ireland: a commentary
Houghton, Frank (2024) Journal of Global, Public and One Health, DOI: 10.61034-JGPOH-2024-1

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State of the Nation's children 2023
(2024) Dublin: Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth

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Focus on homelessness: adult-only households
O’Sullivan, Eoin et al (2024) Dublin: Focus Ireland

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The effects of COVID-19 on a marginalised cohort in the Dublin region: a longitudinal qualitative
Byrne, Paula et al (2023) Dublin: HSE National Office for Suicide Prevention

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A detailed investigation of high lethality Intentional Drug Overdose (IDO) via retrospective
emergency department chart review
Ashe, Hannah et al (2023) Dublin: HSE National Office for Suicide Prevention

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Advancing early detection of suicide? A national study examining socio-demographic factors,
antecedent stressors and long-term history of self-harm
McMahon, E M et al (2024) Journal of Affective Disorders, 350. pp. 372-378.

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Examining the relationship between adversity and suicidality and self-harm in Irish adolescents from
2020 to 2022
Silke, Charlotte et al (2024) Journal of Affective Disorders, 349, 234-243,

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A comparison of rate and methods of probable suicide for 2 years pre and post the onset of the
COVID-19 pandemic
Mannix, D et al (2024) Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine, Early online. 10.1017/ipm.2023.47

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Attitudes of psychiatrists towards people with mental illness: a cross-sectional, multicentre study
of stigma in 32 European countries
Őri, Dorottya et al (2023) EClinicalMedicine, 66.

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Sláintecare action plan 2023: mid-year progress report
(2024) Dublin: Department of Health

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Does vaping or e-cigarettes make a difference to health?
Kew, Kayleigh (2023) iHealthFacts

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HIQA learning hub
(2024) Cork: Health Information and Quality Authority

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Revenue headline results 2023
(2024) Dublin: Revenue Commissioners

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Roads policing statistics for 2023 [Webpage]
Garda National Roads Policing Bureau. (2023)

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Northern Ireland gambling licencing and industry data 2022
Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency. (2023) Belfast: Professional Services Unit,
Department for Communities

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International publications
The associations of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) with substance use in young adults: a
systematic review
Sebalo, Ivan et al (2023) Substance Abuse: Research and Treatment, 17.

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Personal recovery for special populations: a qualitative study exploring the role of special
interest meetings within 12-step fellowships
Harris, Frankco (2024) Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy, 19.

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Guide to creating trauma and adverse childhood experiences (TrACE) success indicators
ACE Hub Wales (2024) Cardiff: Public Health Wales NHS Trust

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Stigmatizing imagery for substance use disorders: a qualitative exploration
Hulsey, Jessica et al (2023) Health & Justice, 11.

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Planning and implementing community-based drug checking services in Scotland: a qualitative
exploration using the consolidated framework for implementation research
Falzon, Danilo et al (2024) Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy, 19, (1).

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Exploring the impact of housing insecurity on the health and well-being of children and young
people: a systematic review
Hock, Emma et al (2023) Public Health Research, 11, (13).

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National mission on drugs: annual monitoring report 2022-2023
(2023) Edinburgh: Scottish Government

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A systematic scoping review of peer support interventions in integrated primary youth mental health
Murphy, Rachel et al (2024) Journal of Community Psychology, 52, (1), pp. 154-180,

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The National Drug and Alcohol Treatment and Recovery Services workforce report: England workforce
data (2022-23).
NHS Benchmarking Network (2023) London: NHS England

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Community pharmacy: delivering substance misuse services
College of Mental Health Pharmacy. (2024) London: Office for Health Improvement & Disparities

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Unlinked Anonymous Monitoring (UAM) survey of HIV and viral hepatitis among people who inject drugs
(PWID): 2023 report
(2024) London: UK Health Security Agency

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Evaluating the aspects of quality of life in individuals with substance use disorder: a systematic
review based on the WHOQOL questionnaire
Bratu, Melania Lavinia et al (2023) Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare, 16. pp. 4265-4278.

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International guidelines for the prevention of sexual violence: a systematic review and perspective
of WHO, UN Women, UNESCO, and UNICEF's publications
Miele, Cécile et al (2023) Child Abuse & Neglect, 146.

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Identifying and treating incarcerated women experiencing substance use disorders: a review
Staton, Michele et al (2023) Substance Abuse and Rehabilitation, 14. pp. 131-145.

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A comprehensive literature review of digital health interventions in the treatment of substance use
disorder with special focus on mobile applications
Jordan, Harrison R et al (2023) Cureus, 15, (10). doi: 10.7759/cureus.47639

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National Poisons Information Service report 2022 to 2023
National Poisons Information Service. (2023) London: UK Health Security Agency

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Xylazine in overdose deaths and forensic drug reports in US States, 2019-2022
Cano, Manuel et al (2024) JAMA Network Open, 7. 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2023.50630

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Nitazenes-heralding a second wave for the UK drug-related death crisis?
Holland, Adam et al (2024) The Lancet. Public health, Early online

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Mortality among people who inject drugs - the interwoven roles of fentanyl and HIV: a
community-based cohort study
Salekešin, Maris et al (2023) European Journal of Public Health, Early online.

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EU drug market: Heroin and other opioids — in-depth analysis
European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction, Europol. (2024)

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EMCDDA-Europol launch webinar: EU drug markets – heroin and other opioids
European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction, Europol. (2024)

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Women and treatment for opioid use disorder: contributors to treatment success from the perspectives
of women in recovery, women with past attempts in drug treatment, and health and criminal justice
Skogseth, Emma M et al (2024) Substance Use: Research and Treatment, 18.

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Development of prescribing indicators related to opioid-related harm in patients with chronic pain
in primary care-a modified e-Delphi study
Bansal, Neetu et al (2024) BMC Medicine, 22.

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Peer-to-peer distribution of naloxone. Technical briefing
(2023) EuroNPUD

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Opioid agonist treatment in transition: a cross-country comparison between Austria, Germany and
Schwarz, Tanja et al (2024) Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 254.

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Receipt of opioid use disorder treatments prior to fatal overdoses and comparison to no treatment in
Connecticut, 2016-17
Heimer, Robert et al (2024) Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 254.

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Health-care resource use among patients who use illicit opioids in England, 2010-20: a descriptive
matched cohort study
van Hest, Naomi et al (2023) Addiction, Early online.

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Pathways to opioid use and implications for prevention: voices of young adults in recovery
Ballard, Parissa J et al (2024) Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy, 19, (1).

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Across the spectrum of legality: the market activities of influencers specialized in steroids and
other performance and image enhancing drugs
Paoli, Letizia and Joseph Cox, Luke Thomas (2023) International Journal of Drug Policy, 123.

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Safe inhalation pipe provision (SIPP): protocol for a mixed-method evaluation of an intervention to
improve health outcomes and service engagement among people who use crack cocaine in England
Harris, Magdalena et al (2024) Harm Reduction Journal, 21, 19.

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Cannabis for chronic pain: cardiovascular safety in a nationwide Danish study
Holt, Anders et al (2024) European Heart Journal,

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Cannabis use in the UK: a quantitative comparison of individual differences in medical and
recreational cannabis users
Ciesluk, Beata et al (2024) Frontiers in Psychology, Early online.

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A systematic review of evidence on integrated management of psychiatric disorders in youth who use
Vidal, Carol et al (2024) Drug and Alcohol Dependence Reports, 10.

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From subcultural to mainstream? The evolving meaning of cannabis use among youth in a restrictive
policy context
Dahl, Silje Louise et al (2024) Drugs: Education Prevention and Policy, Early online.

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Recreational and medical cannabis legalization and opioid prescriptions and mortality
Nguyen, Hai V et al (2024) JAMA Health Forum, 5, (1). 10.1001/jamahealthforum.2023.4897

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Cannabis and driving in older adults
Di Ciano, Patricia et al (2024) JAMA Network Open, 7, (1).

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The impact of cannabis on non-medical opioid use among individuals receiving pharmacotherapies for
opioid use disorder: a systematic review and meta-analysis of longitudinal studies
Costa, Gabriel P A et al (2024) The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse,

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The IARC perspective on alcohol reduction or cessation and cancer risk
Gapstur, Susan M et al (2023) New England journal of Medicine, 389, (26), pp. 2486-2494. DOI:

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Restricting alcohol marketing to reduce alcohol consumption: a systematic review of the empirical
evidence for one of the 'best buys'
Manthey, Jakob et al (2024) Addiction, Early online.

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Impact on wine sales of removing the largest serving size by the glass: an A-B-A reversal trial in
21 pubs, bars, and restaurants in England
Mantzari, Eleni et al (2024) Medicine, 21, (1), e1004313.

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Dispelling six industry myths about alcohol taxation
Roberts, Jem (2024) London: Institute of Alcohol Studies

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Distributions of alcohol use and alcohol-caused death and disability in Canada: defining alcohol
harm density functions and new perspectives on the prevention paradox
Sherk, Adam et al (2024) Addiction, Early online.

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The symbolic consumption processes associated with 'low-calorie' and 'low-sugar' alcohol products
and Australian women
Pitt, Hannah et al (2023) Health Promotion International, 38, (6).

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Which parents provide zero-alcohol beverages to adolescents? A survey of Australian parents'
practices and intentions
Bartram, Ashlea et al (2023) Preventive Medicine, 179.

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No- and low-alcohol drinks in Great Britain: monitoring report
Holmes, John et al (2024) Sheffield: University of Sheffield

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Neurobiology and the treatment of alcohol use disorder: a review of the evidence base
Donato, Suzanna and Ray, Lara A (2023) Substance Abuse and Rehabilitation, 14. pp. 157-166.

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Frequency of epilepsy and pathological EEG findings in a Norwegian sample of children with fetal
alcohol spectrum disorder: Impact on cognition and adaptive functioning
Gerstner, Thorsten et al (2023) Alcohol Clinical and Experimental Research, Early online.

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Using ecological momentary assessments to understand how drinking during special occasions relates
to parenting behaviors
Freisthler, Bridget et al (2023) Alcohol: Clinical and Experimental Research, 47, (12), pp.

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In utero exposure to alcohol and tobacco and electroencephalogram power during childhood
Pini, Nicolò et al (2024) JAMA Network Open, 7. 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2023.50528

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Consumption of energy drinks by children and young people: a systematic review examining evidence of
physical effects and consumer attitudes
Ajibo, C et al (2023) Public Health, Early online.

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WHO global report on trends in prevalence of tobacco use 2000–2030
(2024) Geneva: World Health Organization.

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Tobacco companies' exploitation of loopholes in the EU ban on menthol cigarettes: a case study from
Brink, Anne-Line et al (2023) Tobacco Control, 32, (6), pp. 809-812.

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Disordered gambling among people with psychotic disorders: a systematic review
Sankaranarayanan, Anoop et al (2024) Schizophrenia, 10.

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Treatment effects of therapeutic interventions for gaming disorder: a systematic review and
Danielsen, Paul A et al (2024) Addictive Behaviors, 149.

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Merchants Quay says it will take time for drug users to 'trust' new supervised injection centre
[] Moore, Jane (29 Jan 2024)

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Minister Harris outlines success of education programme for people living with addiction
[Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science] (26 Jan 2024)

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Minister McEntee extends Greentown Programme for further three years
[Department of Justice] (26 Jan 2024)

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Politicians 'must show courage to oversee decriminalisation of drugs' – Citizens' Assembly chief.
[Irish Examiner] O'Keeffe, Cormac (25 Jan 2024)

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More women seeking help for 'problem drinking'
[] Creed, Karen (24 Jan 2024)

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Medically supervised drug injection facility to open in Dublin
[Irish Times] Holland, Kitty (23 Jan 2024)

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Letter to the editor. Legalisation and regulatory control.
[Irish Times] McHale, Ryan (22 Jan 2024)

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Warning of increase in ketamine use as seizures of drug spike
[Irish Examiner] Loughlin, Elaine (21 Jan 2024)

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Each fatal drug overdose is a preventable death
[] Duffin, Tony (20 Jan 2024)

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One in 10 have driven after consuming alcohol in the last 12 months – according to new research by
the RSA
[Road Safety Authority] (19 Jan 2024)

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Prisoners to be screened for hepatitis C ahead of WHO elimination deadline of 2030
[Irish Times] Cullen, Paul (16 Jan 2024)

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Detoxing from G is '100 times worse than alcohol withdrawal', expert warns
[] Ryan, Orla (15 Jan 2024)

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People caught with small amount of drugs should not end up in criminal justice system – Drugs
[] Gataveckaite, Gabija (15 Jan 2024)

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‘High-risk’ synthetic opioid being sold in Dublin and Cork as heroin, HSE warns
[Irish Times] Kelleher, Olivia (13 Jan 2024)

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Drug overdose centres could prevent thousands of fatalities, says report
[Irish Examiner] McGlynn, Michelle (11 Jan 2024)

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Arrival of synthetic drugs causing mental health concerns, says HSE
[RTE News] Burnhill, Eleanor (05 Jan 2024)

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Increase in synthetic drugs led to multiple overdoses last year, says HSE
[RTE News] Burnhill, Eleanor (04 Jan 2024)

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Minister for Justice, Helen McEntee, TD, re Sale of Alcohol Bill – increasing alcohol availability
will increase alcohol harm
[Alcohol Action Ireland] (04 Jan 2024)

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Minister Naughton reaffirms commitment to lifesaving Naloxone programme
[Department of Health] (03 Jan 2024)

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Dail Debates
Oireachtas debates
Questions on Policy and Legislation [medical cannabis access programme] [
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] (25 Jan)
Leaders' questions [Citizens assembly]. [
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] (24 Jan)
Policing, Security and Community Safety Bill 2023: Committee Stage (resumed) and remaining stages. [
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] (24 Jan)
Question 89 – Defence Forces [drug seizures]. [
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] (23 Jan)
Question 18 – Addiction treatment services. [
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] (18 Jan)
Question 24 – Cannabis for medicinal use [
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]. (18 Jan)
Question 1115 – Drug dealing. [
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] (17 Jan)
Question 1117 – Domestic violence [Alcohol]. [
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] (17 Jan)
Question 1134, 1135 – Drug dealing [intimidation] [
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] (17 Jan)
Question 1499 – Misuse of drugs [cannabinoids] [
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] (17 Jan)
Question 1581, 1582, 1583, 1584, 1585, 1586, 1587 – Healthcare policy [non-inhalant nicotine
products]. [
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] (17 Jan)
Question 1591 – Healthcare policy [Vaping]. [
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] (17 Jan)
Question 1592 – Healthcare policy [MCAP]. [
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] (17 Jan)
Question 1638 – Misuse of drugs [Fentanyl]. [
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] (17 Jan)
Question 1645 – Misuse of drugs [Ketamine]. [
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] (17 Jan)
Question 1695, 1696 – Traveller Community. [
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] (17 Jan)
Question 1788, 1789 – Tobacco control measures. [
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] (17 Jan)
Question 95 – Waste management [Vapes]. [
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] (17 Jan)
Questions 343 & 345 - Illicit trade [Fentanyl & Ketamine]. [
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] (17 Jan)
read more
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