I just wanted to make sure you saw Meredith’s email below about the relief package that’s being negotiated by the Senate as I write this email.
Your support remains critical in urging the Senate to provide needed funding to states so that every eligible American is able to participate in our democracy and cast their vote in November.
Call (202) 224-3121 or email your senators and ask them to give states the funding they need to protect our vote.
Thanks for all you do,
Sydney Richards Communications Associate, Issue One
Will America be ready for the 2020 elections? Congress must act now so that every eligible American is able to cast their vote in November.
Call (202) 224-3121 or email your senators and ask them to take swift action and provide funding to states so that they can implement measures like early voting and vote-by-mail.
Although coronavirus has brought many aspects of our lives to a halt, we cannot let it disrupt our democracy and the need for safe, secure, and fair elections in the months ahead.
While Congress is dealing with the health, economic, and other impacts of the coronavirus, they also need to ensure that Americans are able to cast their vote in the crucial November 2020 elections.
The Senate is negotiating a relief package right now. Call (202) 224-3121 or email your senators and ask them to give states the funding they need to protect our vote.
Congress must provide immediate funding to states so they can be ready to ensure that every eligible citizen can participate in our democracy by implementing measures such as vote-by-mail and early voting.
The stakes for our democracy are high, and America needs your help to make sure there’s access to the ballot.
Call (202) 224-3121 or email your senators and ask them to act now and provide funding to states so that they can implement these measures.
Thanks for your support,
Meredith McGehee Executive Director, Issue One