Dear John,
Recent News
Happy 2024! I hope everyone has had a great first month of the year! My team, colleagues, and I are excited for the second session of the 118th Congress. I look forward to continuing to work on the Small Business Committee and Appropriations Committee this session and all that we will accomplish. This Congress has a lot to do, but I am dedicated to working for all of you in District 6th and grateful for the opportunity to do so.
D.C. Update
We have hearings in Congress where we are inspired by the people who show up in front of us. This week, I got to sit in one of those. I joined Chairman Roger Williams for a House Committee on Small Business hearing on supporting entrepreneurs and employees with disabilities. I wish the media would stop waiting in line to see bad things and come to see good things. If you want to talk about the goodness of America, it's the folks right here.
We have had a strong start to this year! Here is some of the legislation we passed.
- H.R. 788 – Stop Settlement Slush Funds Act of 2023
-Improves governance and transparency by prohibiting the Executive Branch from utilizing settlement slush funds and returns the power of the purse to Congress, as required by the Constitution.
- H. Res. 957 – Denouncing the Biden administration's open-borders policies, condemning the national security and public safety crisis along the southwest border, and urging President Biden to end his administration's open-borders policies.
- H.R. 6914 – Pregnant Students’ Rights Act
-Requires institutions of higher education, as a condition of receiving Title IV funding, to disseminate information to prospective and enrolled students on the rights and resources, including protections and accommodations, available for pregnant students while enrolled at the institution.
- H.R. 6918 – Supporting Pregnant and Parenting Women and Families Act
-Blocks a provision in a proposed Biden Administration rule that could prohibit states from giving Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) funds to Pregnancy Resource Centers (PRCs) which support the life of both the mother and unborn child.
January: School Board Recognition Month
A special thank you to all of our School Board members! These board members spend countless hours working for our students and teachers to ensure they all have the support they need. It is important that we have strong leaders in these positions as they make important decisions that impact all of our students, teachers, and staff. So, if you know a school board member, let them know you appreciate them!
District Update
In 2023, I had the great opportunity to travel throughout our entire district! The 6th Congressional District of Texas is filled with great cities, small towns, businesses, museums, shops, and much more. I have just started getting to experience all that our great district has to offer, and I look forward to continuing that this year! Along with getting to know all of you, I also get to work for you to get any help you may need. Our staff will be traveling to different cities in the district for floating casework days. If you need help with any federal agency, please reach out to make an appointment! Please also stop by our upcoming Coffee with Your Congressman!
Walk with Jake
Walk with Jake content
Jake Ellzey
Member of Congress