National Geographic Ultimate Visual History of the World: The Story of Humankind From Prehistory to Modern Times
History comes to life in this comprehensive overview of humankind, from earliest times to the present day. Each page is filled with stunning visuals and thought-provoking text that make this book an instant classic. From the Babylonian Empire to the Persian Gulf War, from the Xia and Shang Dynasties of Bronze Age China to the new space race, from Egyptian hieroglyphics to the digital age―here, in vivid color and crisp narrative, is the sweeping story of the history of civilization.
National Geographic Complete National Parks of the United States, 3rd Edition: 400+ Parks, Monuments, Battlefields, Historic Sites, Scenic Trails, Rec
National Geographic’s wide-ranging travel guide to recreation areas, trails, historic sites, nature hikes, seashores, camping, and campgrounds is geared to everyone who loves outdoor recreation. This 544-page reference is the ultimate travel planner for all things national parks, filled with full-color photos, detailed maps, historical background, and practical facts on the location of the park system properties, as well as the best times to visit and top-rated activities