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Education for Justice (EFJ), ISN’s dynamic database of 2,500+ faith and justice resources, brings social justice to life through prayers, discussion guides, toolkits (and more)!Used by educators, parish leaders, and individuals alike, EFJ helps spark reflection and conversation around 50+ topics.
Explore EFJ's affordable subscription options or browse the featured resources below. New to EFJ? Enjoy 10% off your first year's subscription using code NEWMEMBER2020 (valid until May 1).
Featured Resources:
Care for the Vulnerable and COVID-19 Communities at the margins are particularly vulnerable to COVID-19 due to social, economic, and political factors. Learn about the unique challenges some of our neighbors experience and actions we can take to support them during the global pandemic.
Justice and Peace Calendar EFJ’s annual Justice and Peace Calendar is filled with notable dates for the upcoming year. Links to EFJ resources are included to help you celebrate and remember individuals and social justice causes.
John, Are you ready join us in putting the TEACH in Catholic social teaching?
Network, educate, and form advocates for social justice
animated by the spirituality of St. Ignatius of Loyola
and the witness of the Jesuit martyrs of El Salvador
and their companions.