A Texas-sized “Thank You” to our Republican Grassroots Leaders across Texas
for their incredible work this past Saturday!
Our State Convention is the largest gathering of grassroots Republicans in the
country. The road to our State Convention is a special one - unlike the process
in any other state. It is intended to be that way - the most grassroots
Convention in the United States.
Delegates begin their journey to the State Convention at the most local of
political jurisdictions, right in their own neighborhood - the precinct. Those
elected from the precinct conventions then go to their Senate District or
County Conventions to vote on names submitted to the Nominations Committee for
State Convention Delegate. Folks can also run from the floor at these
intermediary Conventions to try for a delegate spot to State.
This past Saturday, thousands of Republicans throughout Texas had planned to
take part in that grassroots process. But due to the public health emergency
and the corresponding national, state and local emergency and disaster
declarations, in the vast majority of the state it was not possible to convene
as we normally would. These circumstances have also put plans into action to
move our State Convention to July 13-18 in Houston, instead of the originally
scheduled dates of May 11-16.
Hundreds of our Republican Leaders - SREC Members, County Chairs and our
County and Temporary Senate District Convention Chairs - conferred with me and
our great team, including our Parliamentarian, our General Counsel and RPT
Staff throughout the last week to address how to smoothly adjourn these
Saturday meetings for a future time ideally outside the current 8-week CDC
suspension window.
This process could have been derailed at any point last week, but all of us
together showed the resiliency and unity that makes Texas the great state it
is. We pulled ourselves up by the bootstraps and we got to work.
These leaders tirelessly shepherded the process for you at home to see your
rights as delegates come to full fruition at the state and national level with
transparency, with adherence to our RPT and RNC rules, and most importantly, in
the safest manner possible.
They make our Republican Party of Texas great and they exemplify how we will
Keep Texas Great and Keep America Great in November 2020!
Our road to State Convention has begun in earnest. Please reach out to your
County Party to be informed of the new Senate District or County Convention
date to ensure you are considered for a State Convention delegate spot if you
desire. We will make it to the convention and then to November together and
unified in the desire to keep Texas red and deliver our electoral votes for
President Trump in November!
Thank you to all of our Republican Leaders - our SREC Members, our County
Chairs and our Temporary Senate District Convention Chairs - for your
commitment to the Republican Party of Texas!
James Dickey
Chairman, Republican Party of Texas
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