From Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board <>
Subject Cannabis Social Equity Program Updates
Date January 31, 2024 10:31 PM
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*Jan. 31, 2024*

Today, during a regularly scheduled Board meeting, LCB Licensing staff presented updates on the agency?s Social Equity Program. You can view a recording of the meeting here [ [link removed] ] and a copy of the presentation here [ [link removed] ].

The agency is currently working to expand the Cannabis Social Equity Program. Legislation passed in 2023 which seeks to improve and expand upon the current program. The bill, Engrossed Second Substitute Senate Bill (E2SSB) 5080, allows for additional retail, producer and processor licenses and refines the application process. Rulemaking is currently underway and the public comment period is open for the first phase of the rulemaking process.

*Seeking Feedback on Draft DIA Maps*

LCB is currently seeking feedback from stakeholders on new draft DIA maps, available on the LCB website [ [link removed] ], before finalizing the tools for the upcoming Social Equity application process.

Disproportionately Impacted Areas (DIAs) are an important piece of the Social Equity Program because they are one of the four requirements that may qualify an applicant for the program. To meet this requirement, an applicant must have lived in a DIA in Washington state for a minimum of five years between 1980 and 2010.

You can view the draft maps here [ [link removed] ] and send any feedback you may have on the maps to by Feb. 29.

*Cannabis Social Equity Blog*

The Social Equity team launched a newly added blog focusing on the Social Equity in Cannabis Program. This blog will feature brief reads about updates, highlights, and personal stories, and more. This blog will explore the ins and outs of the program and provide an opportunity to learn more about the LCB?s work for Social Equity.

Click here [ [link removed] ] to view the blog and sign up for notifications when new posts are published.

*Social Equity Website*

We have recently reworked the Social Equity section of the LCB website [ [link removed] ]. It is now easier to read and continues to offer the most up-to-date information about the program. We have added an overview of the history of cannabis in the State of Washington and a page featuring the newly added Social Equity blog for regular updates as information is available. We look forward to keeping you in the know.

*Social Equity Plan*

All cannabis licensees may submit a Social Equity Plan to LCB to receive a one-time reimbursement of their annual license fee, per entity. The purpose of this plan is to address ways in which the licensed cannabis business will promote social equity. You can find more information on the LCB Social Equity website. [ [link removed] ]

*Rulemaking Public Comments Open Through Feb. 29*

On Nov. 8, 2023, the Liquor and Cannabis Board approved the first step of the rulemaking process, a Preproposal Statement of Inquiry (CR 101), to begin rulemaking for the implementation of E2SSB 5080.

Please send your comments on the CR 101 to LCB through mail, e-mail or fax by Feb. 29, 2024. You can read more about rulemaking and the rulemaking process on the Social Equity blog.?

By mail:?? Rules Coordinator? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Liquor and Cannabis Board ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? P.O. Box 43080 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Olympia, WA 98504-3080

By e-mail:?** <>

By fax: 360-704-5027?

Additional questions regarding the Social Equity Program can be sent to


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