This year is just getting started, but we're already making progress on gun safety. Here's what the gun violence prevention movement has been up to:
From the Field: Moms Demand Action
37 states gaveled in legislative sessions, and our network of volunteers is already countering the gun lobby by demanding lawmakers across the country take action on gun safety.
From Advocacy Days to phone banks, Moms Demand Action is making your community safer. Join us: Find an event near you.
From the Field: Students Demand Action
Guns are the number one killer of kids, teens and college-aged people in America—but while kids were dying in their communities, the gun industry spent the past week partying in Las Vegas at their annual trade show, SHOT Show.
This year, SHOT Show fell on the same week as National Gun Violence Survivors Week. The contrast is stark: while some of us were honoring the suffering and resilience of survivors, the other side was celebrating getting rich at the expense of survivors' pain and public safety.
Students Demand Action showed up in Las Vegas to demand the gun industry be held accountable for our nation's gun violence epidemic. On the opening day of SHOT Show, we came together in full force to tell the gun industry one thing: We refuse to let them make billions of dollars at the expense of our lives.
Gun manufacturers have flooded our communities with guns and faced no consequences. We're demanding they change their deadly practices: Sign the petition to join us.
Courts & Litigation
Bump stocks help rifles fire bullets faster, effectively turning assault weapons into machine guns. These deadly devices were used by a gunman to kill 60 people and wound at least 411 more in Las Vegas in 2017. In the years following that devastating shooting, a federal rule banned bump stocks, and many states enacted laws to regulate them.
But an upcoming Supreme Court case, Garland v. Cargill, may undo this progress. If the Supreme Court upholds a lower court's extreme decision, most Americans would find their protections against bump stocks have completely disappeared, with as many as 36 states impacted immediately. People will be able to effectively turn their semi-automatic weapons into machine guns once again.
Join the Courts Advocacy Team to stay updated on this case and our work to push back against the gun lobby's agenda.
Take Action
Our volunteers are going all out to make sure we elect Gun Sense Champions up and down the ballot, because 2024 is a life-or-death election year for gun safety. We can ensure that gun lobby-backed extremists are defeated in November and build on our gun safety progress across the country. Our hard-fought wins and future legislative progress are on the line: Pledge now to vote in the 2024 elections.
Research Corner
Updated 2024 Gun Law Rankings were released this month—and it's clear that gun laws save lives: states that have passed the strongest gun safety policies have the lowest gun death rates.
Based on an analysis of state gun laws and gun death rates, nearly 300,000 lives could be saved over the next decade if every state had the same gun death rates as the eight states with the strongest gun laws.
Check out the rankings to see how your state stacks up.
Good News!
Wayne LaPierre, the CEO of the NRA, announced his resignation after three decades of driving the NRA's embrace of far-right extremism. LaPierre and his NRA cronies are standing trial on allegations that they improperly diverted millions of dollars to benefit themselves. LaPierre's unceremonious resignation is just the latest sign that the NRA is locked in a doom spiral that shows no sign of letting up. His legacy will be one of corruption, greed, and immeasurable harm to public safety.
Our volunteers worked tirelessly over the last decade to make this happen—it's a testament to our movement.
Thank you for your support—we couldn't do any of this work without you.
Everytown for Gun Safety 