Special Guest On The Call: Frank Addington (The Aspirin Buster)
Frank Addington is a professional exhibition archer from Boerne, Texas. He’s set several records with a recurve bow, including being the very first archer in the world to hit a baby aspirin in mid-air with his bow behind his back. He’s been performing for 35 years and, in addition to his public performances, has also performed for many celebrities and high profile people. His message encourages the next generation to turn off video games, TV, and technology, and spend time with their family outdoors. His show has also carried a “Say No” to drugs message since its beginning. Addington, 52, resides in Boerne, TX with his wife, two sons, and an Australian Shepard named Sanchez. Ted Nugent once dubbed Addington, “...the master.” His show is one you have to see to believe.
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