In Response to COVID-19, the 2020 Teton County Democratic Caucus Is Moving to Mail-In-Only Voting
The COVID-19 virus has created uncertain times, and adapting to those times means adapting our caucus.
As more states move to shelter-in-place status, we recognize the possibility that our state could follow suit, and the Wyoming Democratic Party is proactively preparing for that possibility by shifting to a 100% MAIL-IN CAUCUS.
Drive-up voting at the Grand View Lodge at Snow King Resort has been suspended.
The Previously Advertised March 20 Registration Deadline Remains
To vote in the caucus, you must have registered as a Teton County Democrat by March 20, 2020. This is the original voter registration deadline that has been extensively advertised.
All Teton Dems Who Registered by the Deadline Will Be Mailed a Ballot
All Teton County Democrats who were registered by March 10 have already had a ballot sent to them.
Voters who registered from March 11 through March 20 will be automatically sent a ballot in the mail.
You Can Request a New Ballot Through March 31
If your original ballot was lost, destroyed or is otherwise unusable, you may request a new mail-in ballot through Tuesday, March 31 by completing a ballot request form. Please use your full legal name as used on your voter registration.
Ballots Must Be Mailed and Received by April 17
Ballots must be mailed back to the Wyoming Democratic Party (postage paid envelope is included) and received by Friday, April 17, 2020. Ballots received after this date will not be tabulated, so please allow at least a few business days for your ballot to reach WDP offices in Cheyenne.
We Are Accepting State Delegate Nominations Online
Teton County Democrats interested in serving as a delegate at the Democratic State Convention can click below to fill out the nomination form or email us at [email protected] by Friday, April 17 at 5 p.m. MT.
Teton County is entitled to 21 delegates. If more nominations are received than delegates apportioned, an online vote will be facilitated.
Teton Dems will hold delegate elections and conventions electronically, no later than May 24, 2020.
For the latest voting information, visit
Thank you for bearing with us as we adapt caucus and convention plans in response to COVID-19. We hope that everyone is continuing to stay safely at home as much as possible.