
BREAKING: We’ve just filed today an amicus brief on behalf of a bipartisan group of former state supreme court justices before the U.S. Supreme Court in Trump v. Anderson, urging the Court to affirm the Colorado Supreme Court’s ruling that Donald Trump is disqualified from public office under Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment, also known as the Insurrectionist Disqualification Clause.

The brief argues three main points: that states do not require federal legislation to enforce Section 3; that the Constitution authorizes states to adjudicate presidential candidates’ qualifications; and that Section 3 was enacted to prevent the threats that Trump presents to state and federal courts.

This Supreme Court case is the greatest test of the Insurrectionist Disqualification Clause to date. We will continue our fight to uphold the Constitution and make sure that no person, not even the former president, is above the law.

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Trump and his supporters have repeatedly threatened judges, judicial employees, and others involved in the court system for attempting to hold him accountable. Declining to apply Section 3 for fear of Trump-incited mob violence would not prevent that violence; it would simply shift its burden to thousands of justices, judges, and court staff, and would invite more chaos, violence, and insurrection.

The Constitution and the rule of law demand enforcing Section 3. The arguments for reversal are political arguments, not based on the law, but rather on threats and fears of supposedly adverse consequences that the Supreme Court—bound by the plain text and original public meaning of the Constitution—must not indulge.

We must make it clear that the Insurrectionist Disqualification Clause prevents Trump from running for or holding public office, period. Will you help us continue this fight by making a donation today?

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Free Speech For People

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