Dear John,


It's going to be a big year for the Communist Party USA and our members.


We've got a lot on our plate, so we need to get off on the LEFT foot by making sure our dues payment are up to date.


Pay your dues online HERE!


As you know, the Party will hold its 32nd National Convention June 7-9 in Chicago, bringing together members from around the country and guests from fraternal parties to celebrate our fantastic growth, assess our work, adopt policy, elect leadership, and plan for the future. Before the convention, we’ll be involved in a wide range of discussions and activities in the pre-convention period, where we will get to weigh in.


Throughout the year, we’ll be working side-by-side with our allies to reach and mobilize every anti-MAGA voter possible in the 2024 elections. Nothing less than democracy is at stake. Defeating MAGA fascism this year is an epic battle and requires all hands on deck. We’ll be working tirelessly in our neighborhoods, unions, and other organizations to register, educate, and mobilize voters to the polls.


And if that’s not enough, we’re also involved daily at the grassroots, in their unions and other mass organizations fighting for a ceasefire in Gaza, against police brutality, and homelessness, and for action on the climate crisis, defending LGBTQ rights, and so much more.


And we’ll celebrate the 100th Anniversary of People’s World! That's 100 years of revolutionary, working-class journalism! The battle of ideas has never been fiercer. We've never faced such an onslaught of corporate misinformation and right-wing disinformation, and the presence of People's World has never been so important. We must do our part to ensure People's World completes its $125,000 Fund Drive by May Day.


These are enormous undertakings. And they require a lot of hard work and resources. That's where dues come in. Membership dues cover an essential part of our organization's expenditures nationally and locally, especially with our convention and increased activities.


So, take a moment and renew your membership! Our automated system allows you to pay yearly or set up a monthly recurring payment.


With the new streamlined dues system, most members pay dues starting at $10 per month or an additional amount, depending on their circumstances. Members who are having difficulty making ends meet can still pay at the $2/ month rate.


In solidarity,




Communist Party USA
235 W. 23rd Street, 7th floor
New York, NY 10011
(Visits by appointment only)
Tel : 212-989-4994
Fax :212-229-1713
Email : [email protected]

Communist Party USA. Some rights reserved.

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