UPDATE: Our Operations During the COVID-19 Emergency
Dear Members,

When I last wrote, I suggested that New York City might be headed for a full lockdown. As I write, the lockdown has arrived. Today begins the first day of Governor Cuomo’s executive order shuttering all non-essential businesses across the state. We’ve already sent most of our staff home over the last week and we are all working from home. Unfortunately, this means that we will not be able to receive your lovely letters, checks, or other essential deliveries.
Therefore, in the coming weeks and months I encourage you to donate online and write to us at contact@nas.org or directly to our staff — you can find their emails on our staff page. For those of you who donate or renew your memberships by mail, know that we will work to retrieve those already delivered or in transit, but it will take time.
If you’d like to donate, you may do so online at nas.org/donate. For memberships, please visit nas.org/join.
We at NAS are all still healthy, and thankfully we have plenty of work. We are currently busy digesting all the ways in which this crisis will affect higher education.

During this crisis, I hope you will find a way to help a neighbor in need. We could all use some kindness. Especially since, for our health, we are required to physically distance ourselves from one another. 

I’m thankful for your continued support. I pray for the health of you and your families as we move through this extraordinary period in the life of our nation.

Peter Wood

National Association of Scholars
For reasoned scholarship in a free society.
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