From Lisa Hunter <>
Subject Time Sensitive: Join Letter TODAY to Increase Medicaid Federal Matching and State Relief
Date March 23, 2020 6:12 PM
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Dear Partners,

Given fast-moving developments on the Hill over the weekend, it is urgent that Congress hear from us on the importance of providing relief and help to states and the Medicaid program, which are critical to ensuring our nation’s most vulnerable families and individuals are supported in light of the Coronavirus pandemic. We understand that this legislation is moving on a very fast track.

We are asking you to add your organization to this sign on letter ([link removed]) by 3pm today urging Congress to include two essential provisions in the “Phase 3” package that is being finalized today:
* $150 billion in direct aid to states for purposes of fiscal relief, and
* At least a 12% increase in federal Medicaid matching funds, (known as “FMAP”)

Without these policies included in the next package, families, individuals and vulnerable populations will be left behind facing unemployment, a looming recession, and more. Working together, we must ensure that Congress acts NOW.

While it is critical to have as many signers as possible on this letter before 3 pm TODAY, we will keep this letter open for signers until these issues are addressed by Congress. We will share the list of signers with congressional leaders beginning this afternoon and then will continue to update the letter with new signers on an ongoing basis. We have included the letter at the bottom of this email for reference. Please share this sign on opportunity with your networks and don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.

You can also:
* Tag your Senator and Representative to express support for these policies.
* Use Hashtags: #HelpFamiliesNow, #HelpStatesNow, #StatesNeedCOVIDhelp, #RememberFamilies, #FamiliesoverCorp$$, #COVID19
* Engage your governor’s office, as their voice will be critical to convincing Members of Congress on the importance and urgency of these priorities. See this recent letter ([link removed]) from the National Governor’s Association as a resource.

We are grateful for your continued partnership!


Lisa Hunter,
Senior Director of Strategic Partnerships

Dear Speaker Pelosi and Leaders McConnell, McCarthy, and Schumer:

As Congress takes action today to finalize “Phase 3” legislation responding to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) the undersigned organizations, who are dedicated to protecting the health of children, families, and the most vulnerable in our nation, strongly urge Congress to move legislation forward that includes least $150 billion in direct aid to states for fiscal relief as they deploy their resources to address critical health needs and absorb the related economic crisis.

The United States is facing a public health emergency greater than any we have seen in several generations. Moreover, the virus and the necessary social distancing measures made necessary to cope with its spread are already having profound impacts on the economy. Many experts warn our country may experience a deep recession. Additional state fiscal relief funding is critically needed to address public health demands, give states financial resources to cover COVID-19 related needs, and help states absorb the economic impact of this crisis, including preventing major state budget cuts and massive layoffs in state and local governments at the worst possible time.

We also urge Congress to act swiftly and in the near-future to enact an additional, emergency increase of 12 percent to Federal Medicaid matching funds. These dollars would provide essential support to states as health care services are sought by the tens-of-millions of children, parents, and seniors that rely on Medicaid for health care services.

Our requests are on behalf of the people of this nation and are not rooted in political ideology. That is why these urgent recommendations also were proposed and supported by the nation’s Governors on a bi-partisan basis.

Congress must take immediate action. Public health experts both within and outside of the federal government warn that the virus outbreak is likely to substantially worsen in the coming days and weeks. The downstream economic effects are only beginning to be felt. We implore Congress to act swiftly to address these priorities.

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