FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Jan. 31, 2024 Contact: DNR Office of Communications [email protected]
DNR To Host Public Hearing On Fish Refuge Establishment Rules
Feb. 5 Hearing For Milwaukee, Outagamie And Waupaca Counties
 Fish refuges are designed to protect fish from overharvest, especially in areas where they congregate to spawn. / Photo Credit: Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District using Great Lakes Restoration Initiative funding
MADISON, Wis. ? The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) today announced that it will host a public hearing on an emergency and proposed permanent rule to establish fish refuges in Milwaukee, Outagamie and Waupaca Counties. This proposed rule would also establish a statewide mechanism for implementing temporary fish refuges.
Fish refuges are designed to protect fish from overharvest, especially in locations where they congregate to spawn. The emergency rule creates a year-round refuge on the Milwaukee River, encompassing the Kletzsch Park Dam fish passage, prohibiting fishing in the fish passage and the immediate vicinity. The proposed permanent rule would continue the Milwaukee River fish refuge. It would also create additional seasonal refuges in spawning marshes connected to the Wolf River in Outagamie and Waupaca Counties to protect spawning walleye.
The hearing on Feb. 5 will provide details on the purpose and location of each of these proposed fish refuges and the proposed mechanism for implementing temporary fish refuges to provide more responsive protection from overharvest.
Public comments on the emergency and permanent rules will be accepted at the hearing, and the public may also submit written comments to [email protected]. Written comments will have the same weight and effect as spoken comments presented at the hearing.
You can review the draft rule on the DNR?s Proposed Permanent Administrative Rules webpage.
More information on this meeting, including the Microsoft Teams meeting link, can be found on the DNR's meetings and hearings calendar.
Event Information
Establishment Of Fish Refuges In Milwaukee, Outagamie And Waupaca Counties When: Feb. 5, 2024 at 5:30 p.m. Where: Join this meeting on Microsoft Teams.