From Anthony Lewis, Greenpeace <>
Subject Plastic cups
Date August 9, 2019 1:38 PM
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Hi John

Wow, in just one week over 100,000 people have called on the government to protect our marine life from plastic pollution. That's people power!

The government introduced a 25p cup charge in Parliament already - and it's seen a huge 74% decrease in cup usage [1]! They know it works, now can you urge them to protect our oceans and introduce a charge for the whole of the UK?


Sign the petition: [link removed]


Plastic is everywhere. It's in our oceans, it's in fish, and it's even in sea salt [2]. And it's putting our natural world at risk.

Almost 5 billion cups were sold in Britain last year but only a tiny 4% were recycled. The rest were incinerated, or sent to landfill - adding more pollution to our natural environment and putting animals and marine life at risk.

But we know we can change that - and the government knows it too, as the charge has been introduced to Parliament with such great success

Urge the Chancellor Sajid Javid and the new government to start their tenure by making the planet a priority!


Sign the Petition: [link removed]


The good news is, public opinion is on our side [3]. People are sick of seeing turtles tangled in plastic and whales washed up with stomachs full of rubbish. Now's our time to make

Thank you for everything you do,

Anthony and the plastics team

P.S. This petition is in partnership with Keep Britain Tidy, Surfers against Sewage, Marine Conservation Society and Campaign for Rural England.

[1] Latte levy on MPs cuts paper cup use by three quarters
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[2] Sea salt around the world is contaminated by plastic, studies show
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[3] Poll: Majority back the 'latte levy'
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