The world’s youngest country, South Sudan is among the poorest, least developed, and most unpredictable. In 2013, two years into independence, the country broke out into brutal civil war. Though a ceasefire was reached in 2020, the country continues to struggle with inter-communal conflict and displacement, as well as a highly vulnerable economy controlled by a handful of elites and poor infrastructure repeatedly assaulted by climate disasters such as drought and flooding. It consistently falls near the bottom on indexes measuring corruption, prosperity, human development, and democracy. A 2018 Revitalized Agreement on the Resolution of the Conflict in the Republic of South Sudan (R-ARCSS) provided a roadmap to a planned election in 2023, yet to date, few of the agreement tasks have been implemented, including the completion this year of a full country census. During this fragile transitional period, credible, independent media have an essential role to play in keeping citizens informed, mitigating conflicts, and facilitating a peaceful, democratic society.
About the Position
Sonke Gender Justice has been developing a Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) Training Manual to facilitate capacity building of media practitioners in South Sudan in contribution to the larger SIMA objectives. The draft manual has been populated with GESI content to cover the scope of the GESI/GTA knowledge gaps identified amongst media practitioners in South Sudan.
Sonke therefore seeks services of an individual consultant to review, standardize, quality improve and finalize the draft manual to produce a ready for print and distribution Training Manual. The Consultant will review the content of the Manual to ensure accuracy of content and structure, and assess and improve the quality of manual topics/sessions information and training activities.