Yesterday, I opposed Mitch McConnell’s insufficient coronavirus stimulus package. Let me tell you why, folks:

This partisan bill is a nearly two trillion dollar bailout for the largest corporations that ignores the urgent needs of Montana workers, families, and small businesses who are suffering.

It fails to make critically needed investments in our hospitals and health care workforce while providing no accountability for how this massive amount of taxpayer money will be spent.

I’ve been listening to folks back home about what they need and am working around the clock to get a fair deal for Montana that Republicans and Democrats can agree on. This wasn’t it.

I hope my colleagues across the aisle will come to the table to hammer out a stimulus package that actually works for the serious needs of our state.

If you’re with me, I need you to sign my petition demanding Mitch McConnell end his partisan games and present a coronavirus bill that will actually help -- not hurt -- everyday American families.


This is an unprecedented and difficult time for so many families across the country. Folks are losing their jobs, seniors are worried about their health, and everyone is scared for what comes next.

It’s time McConnell put aside partisan politics and work with us to provide the relief American people deserve.

Thanks for standing with me,
