gift makes a difference in helping to uphold, defend and support the
Catholic Faith and the Catholic Family!
Dear Friend,
I’m writing to thank you for your continued support of
Catholic Action for Faith and Family and to let you know
that Thursday, February 1 will be
the LAST day to support our 2024
Annual Fund.
Every donation makes a difference in helping us to advance
our mission and to reach our goal of having One Million Rosary
Warriors from around the world pray the Holy Rosary on the first of
each month with Cardinal Burke. The Holy Rosary is a powerful defense
against the worldly threats that are attacking not only our Catholic
Faith but also society’s most important
institution, the family.
Today, in fact, we are facing a
multi-faceted assault from all corners of society. Our educational and
political system, as well as legal and medical sectors, are actively
promoting policies that directly oppose the teachings of the Catholic
faith. Catholic Action is working to prevent these evils
and protect religious
values, and your contribution is one of the
most effective ways to help. It provides the support we need to
advance our work during these critical times.
we count on your donation?
With Catholic Action for Faith and Family, you can be sure
these important topics will be addressed and where appropriate,
actions taken. Thus, we provide a range of programs that will respond
to the critical issues of our day, both big and small, thanks to faith
defenders like you.
2024 Featured
NEW in 2024: Launch brand new Catholic
Action Podcast hosted by Thomas McKenna where he brings
together in his unique way leading prelates
and Catholic experts to usher in a new era
of compelling dialogue and formation.
NEW in 2024: Release Cardinal Burke’s
Homily Cast where we make the Cardinal’s brilliant
homilies available immediately after he gives them in his monthly
Operation Storm Heaven Masses.
Revitalized in 2024: Full year schedule of the
favorite Conversations with Cardinal Burke monthly broadcasts
where he answers your questions and shares so many exceptional
insights across a variety of topics.
- Increasing the spiritual army of Rosary Warriors by our greatest
increase to date “125,000” as we strive toward our ultimate milestone
goal of 1 million Rosary Warriors.
- Improving our media syndication and reaching the next-level
with the production quality of our livestream broadcast of the
Operation Storm Heaven Mass and Rosary and further engage
and broaden our audience internationally.
- Holding a series of Diocesan-sponsored public Storm
Heaven Events for all Rosary Warriors, leaving no participating
parish or parishioner behind.
- Rolling-out our Faithful Echoes of the
Eucharist conferences to include
Diocesan-sponsored Faithful Echoes of the Eucharist tours (stay
tuned for details and announcements of joint conferences for
bishops, priests, and laity in second quarter of 2024).
- During an election year, providing voter guidance and
resources for all Catholic clergy and lay leadership in
mounting an authoritative response to self-proclaimed Catholic public
figures. (Again, stay tuned for this one)!
- Assisting faithful clergy to uphold the
teachings of the Church through extensive online marketing and
outreach programs. Our
goal is to expand our reach 2.8 million
Our Main
2024 Challenge: To activate the faithful laity
to make an even stronger commitment to Catholic action and to
supporting our faithful clergy as we together strengthen our suffering
May Our Lady of the Rosary bless and
protect you, your loved ones, and your homes. Thank you and may God
reward you for your generosity.
Yours in the Sacred Heart of Jesus and
the Immaculate Heart of Mary,

Thomas J. McKenna Founder and
President Catholic Action for Faith and
