The plan for November:

Elections have gone back-and-forth a lot this generation. Pundits suggest that the margins in 2024 are going to be thin. The difference between a productive, practical government and a very extreme one is at stake.

These first few months of the year are our opportunity to pick up some speed, to gain the momentum necessary for a big win in November.

Please consider stepping up with a small monthly donation of just $3 right now, to kick off a year of grassroots organizing.

$3 this month. $3 next month. Through Election Day in November.

A handful of people become dozens, which then becomes hundreds, and then maybe even thousands. Alone we each might not seem like much, but together? We can make an impact.

Please consider joining Team Larsen as we start this big 2024 push. Become a monthly grassroots contributor on the path to a big 2024.

Team Larsen

P.S. Cannot commit to being a monthly donor? No problem. Please consider a one-time contribution of $3 right now to help us start the year with strength.

Express Donate:

If you've stored your info with ActBlue Express, we'll process your contribution instantly:

$5 $15 $25 $50