For all the latest information, news and access to council services go to
When possible please help us by using the website. This means we can prioritise phonelines for those who need us the most.
National guidance on coronavirus – social distancing
and staying at home
The Government has published guidance to help us keep well and safe during the corona virus outbreak. Below are the links to the sets of guidance:
• Social distancing advice
• Stay at home advice
Buildings closed, how to access services
To ensure social distancing we have closed most of our public buildings, this includes Libraries, Leisure Centres:
Housing Options Service – If you have an urgent housing query please contact us on 0161 770 4605. Or email us on [email protected]
No tenant – whether social or privately renting – will be forced out of their home during this difficult time. Speak to your landlord or mortgage lender if you are worried or struggling to make payments. More information for renters, landlords and homeowners
Libraries – are closed, you can continue to access digital services at
Car parks
We are reviewing access to public car parks where they encourage
unnecessary gatherings.
Bins and recycling
Bin collections are continuing but we are prioritising general rubbish and food collection, and we are not collecting waste placed by the side of bins.
If your bin is not emptied on a collection day take it back in and put it out
on its next collection day.
If you have additional waste, store it at home or ask a neighbour if they have
space in their bin. Alternatively take it to Arkwright Street Recycling Centre.
More information on bins, rubbish and recycling.
Help your neighbours and your community
At times like this, work in places like Oldham Foodbank has never been
so important and right now they need your help.
Deputy leader Cllr Shah and Father Tom tell us how you can help.
Every donation you make Oldham Foodbank makes a huge difference.
For more information call 0161 622 1061.
We need your help and support
Everyday volunteers provide vital services. We need extra help right now.
Sign up with Action Together and they will identify opportunities for you in
your area. This is for things like helping at a foodbank during the emergency.
Support for businesses
A package of measures to help businesses and workers has been announced including financial support.
For the latest up-to-date information visit here.
The Business Growth Hub is also providing resources and webinars
which provide useful information for businesses.