
The COVID-19 pandemic has already left countless Americans without a job, worrying about both their health and their economic situation—how to pay rent, how to pay for groceries, and how to pay their bills.

Seth Moulton and the rest of our team understand that there’s no easy answer to get us out of this crisis. But we know two things for certain:

  • All of us have to step up and work together to get through this
  • The more we do to slow the spread and to assist those in need right now, the better off we’ll be in the long run

In this spirit of togetherness, which is the essence of what being an American is all about, will you make a contribution of whatever you can afford right now to one of these organizations working to provide immediate relief to those in need?

  • United Way has started a COVID-19 community response and recovery fund to help families and people in need access critical information and services like food, shelter and more.
  • Project Bread has started a COVID-19 rapid response fund to protect food insecure families, so no one goes hungry right now
  • One Fair Wage has started an emergency COVID-19 tipped and service worker support fund

Thank you for everything you’re doing.

Stay safe,

Team Moulton