It's better in a union. Unions mean better wages, better health care, better protections and a voice on the job. They mean hope, they mean opportunity and they mean solidarity—shoulder to shoulder, side by side, through thick and thin.
That’s why it’s not surprising that even in these difficult times, 71% of Americans support unions, the highest level in nearly 60 years. And our future is bright: 88% of people younger than 30 support unions, too.
Can you help us continue spreading the word? There’s still time to add your story. If you’d like to record a video of your own, follow the guide here on your phone, tablet or computer.
Or just forward this email to someone you know who needs a union!
When working people come together, we make things better for everyone. If you need more information about organizing or joining a union of your own, click here.
In Solidarity,