Hi Friend,


I’m Allyn, Elad Gross for Missouri’s Digital Director. I wanted to share some of why we're working so hard to reach voters of every color, creed, and county across Missouri. I think EVERYTHING we do should connect back to you, the people who live in or care about building a better Show Me State that serves everyone who lives there.


I probably DON’T have to tell you about the attacks on our freedoms that Missourians face due to Andrew Bailey and his allies in Jefferson City. Our schools have to fight in court to be able to protect our kids. “Doctor Bailey and Doctor Parson” try to control our medical care and ignore our rights to make those decisions ourselves. Our senior neighbors get scammed out of their retirement savings while corrupt lawmakers ignore anything that could distract from their dark money gravy train.


It wasn’t always this way. We used to have leaders who listened to voters instead of talk radio blowhards. We used to see a commitment to conversation over control.


We used to see leaders like Elad Gross.

He’s the real deal. Four years ago, he traveled to every county in the state to meet voters and listen to their concerns, and he hasn’t really stopped. He’s fought for government transparency when our leaders tried to hide from us. He shows up to hear and to help.


Now, as we head into February, it’s your turn to help him.

Your contributions help pay our staff while we meet volunteers and voters. You help pay for lit to hand out at doors and festivals, for event space where people get what they need and see how good government makes life better. You help support a movement that WILL live by our state motto, where the WELFARE of WE THE PEOPLE might be the highest law.


That’s why I’m in the EladSquad. I’m glad you are, too. Click to visit our donation page and show how you value the work we’re doing together.


For Missouri,

-Allyn Harris Dault

Digital Director, Elad Gross for Missouri