Dear Members and Associates,
As expected, the Duluth City council is not meeting with the public, but they are still allowing the public to comment on agenda items. All comments will be read into the record, and are therefore important.
Tonight's agenda (available here) is quite large. Items 15 and 46 are of special concern to us.
Item 15 is approval for vacating an alley in West Duluth. Saint James Catholic Church wants to build a new parking lot. Unfortunately they are planning to tear down five houses in order to do so, all so parishioners can park closer to church. Please let them know why this is a bad idea during a housing crunch. We don't need more parking lots.
Item 46 is the proposal to increase the vacation rental unit cap in Duluth. The News Tribune had an article yesterday about it, and Troy, our treasurer, was quoted. Please let them know why this is also not a great idea during a housing shortage. It looks like there is a chance they might table this one for now, but expect it to return if so.
Here are the instructions for submitting public comment.
"Public comment on agenda items is encouraged by submitting written comment to [email protected] prior to the meeting. Please include “Council Agenda” in the subject line, your name and address and the agenda item you are speaking to. Please note that all public comment is considered Public Data."
In Solidarity
John Krumm
Twin Ports DSA