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Hi John,

I hope you are well, and coping with the very difficult situation we find ourselves in. I wanted to let you know what the coronavirus crisis means for our work at Global Justice Now.  

We are taking all precautions we can to protect our supporters, our staff and wider society. We’ve closed our office, and staff are working from home. We know that we’re lucky we are able to take such measures. 

In order to slow the spread of Covid-19, we are also recommending local activists cancel physical events, and we have postponed our own event on Saturday. But staying connected is also really important right now, so we will support our activists and supporters to hold discussions online and we’re hosting an online event on Saturday ‘Coronavirus, capitalism and global inequality’. You can join us here.

This is an important time to speak out for justice. We particularly want to ensure the international aspects of the crisis are highlighted at a time when much of the debate is understandably very domestic. Coronavirus is already deepening inequality, both in our own country and around the world. Together, we need to ensure that the vulnerable and marginalised are not pushed further into poverty by this crisis. 
Thanks to the support from people like you, we were able to respond rapidly and launch a campaign last week to ensure that big business cannot profit off the treatment and vaccines that we desperately need to be developed. We are also discussing with international allies to campaign for a massive emergency response for countries of the global south, including debt cancellation, which can allow for the big increase in health spending required. 
Thank you for your continued support for our campaigns at this critical time. And our special thanks go to all of you who are on the front line dealing with the crisis including health workers, carers, teachers, food workers, and many others. Let this be the crisis that forced the world to wake up to just how unjust and unsustainable our economy really is. And let’s all make sure we support our families, friends, neighbours and communities. Let’s work together for something better. 
Stay safe, 
Nick Dearden
Director, Global Justice Now

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