Marc Molinaro, the MAGA Republican representing NY-19 in Congress, voted TWICE to make Jim Jordan the Speaker of the House. When that didn’t work, he found the one guy even crazier than Jordan to actually give the job to.
And if putting an anti-abortion extremist in charge of the House wasn’t bad enough, when confronted about supporting these nutsos, this is what Molinaro said:
“[Upstate New Yorkers] don’t give a sh*t who the Speaker of the House is… Most of the people I represent wouldn’t know the Speaker of the House if he backed over them with a pickup truck.”
Does he think we’re dumb?
I, for one, do give a sh*t who’s running our government… and I know you do, too. If you’re as pissed off as I am, I hope you’ll split a contribution between Josh Riley and Blue Amp Action today to fire both Marc Molinaro AND Mike Johnson.
It’s clear Molinaro doesn’t think much of the people he represents. But you know who does care a hell of a lot about Upstate New Yorkers? My friend and former Senate counsel, Josh Riley.

(I swear I’m not actually this short… Josh is just REALLY tall.)
Josh grew up in a working-class neighborhood in Endicott, NY. When the local factories closed, Josh saw his community struggle – but he worked to put himself through school and graduated from Harvard Law.
In the Senate, Josh and I brought Republicans and Democrats together to actually get stuff done (yes, it really is possible)! The bills we worked on together expanded rights for survivors of domestic abuse and provided new funding for addiction treatment and mental health programs. It wasn’t easy, but Josh got them signed into law.
Josh DID learn how to drive on a pickup truck, so maybe Molinaro was right about that. But he’s dead wrong if he thinks we’re too stupid to know or care that he’s voting to screw us over at every turn.
This is one of the most competitive races in the country, and Josh isn’t going to get to Congress without our help. Please join me by splitting a contribution between Josh and Blue Amp Action right now.