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Bloomberg Philanthropies — Greenwood Initiative
A message to the community from Garnesha Ezediaro


A new year has begun and in the racial wealth equity space, the stakes are high. Having accurate and accessible data during an election year when national policies take center stage is critical.  

That’s why I’m happy to share the Black Wealth Data Center, one of the Greenwood Initiative’s leading investments, has started the year strong by adding new data and features, including two critical Black Wealth Indicators: Climate and Banking.  

Here’s a summary of BWDC’s new features and data updates: 

  • BWDC’s two new wealth indicators: Climate and Banking – strengthening the BWDC’s ability to quickly compare any two counties in the U.S. with data visualizations across key areas 
  • Four new datasets were added to the site that cover household financial decision-making, natural hazard impacts, number of FDIC-insured institutions, and detailed employment and wage data 
  • New data visualizations and comparison data down to the county level 
  • The ability to download more data such as homeownership, employment, and population demographics 
  • The site’s global search function has been fine-tuned and expanded 
Check out today!
The BWDC team continuously fields feedback from public and private leaders to guide new updates and features. I encourage you to keep utilizing the BWDC as a tool for advancing data-driven policies and programs that can effectively address racial wealth equity!  

Garnesha Ezediaro 
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