Republican Jewish Coalition


The Republican Jewish Coalition has taken all necessary steps to ensure the health and safety of our staff and members, including moving our staff to telework and postponing grassroots and leadership events. We have stayed in contact with the White House during this crisis and they have been very appreciative of the support that faith-based groups like ours have given the President and everyone in the administration.

Day-to-day life for each of us is challenging right now, but we can’t lose sight of the serious challenges facing all of us as a country. We have immense faith in President Trump and his team to find the best solutions to those problems, solutions that promote the safety and prosperity of all Americans and safeguard our liberty. That’s why on November 3rd it is even more important to keep America great by reelecting President Trump, strengthening the Republican majority in the Senate, and winning back the House.

With that in mind, the RJC is hard at work despite the current disruptions. We’re using cutting-edge technology to do “virtual” grassroots outreach in key battleground states. Our outreach now will help turn out Republican Jewish voters to the polls in November, and help convince undecided voters – and even some Jewish Democrats – to vote for President Trump and the GOP.

Last week we made 15,452 calls to Jewish voters in Florida and Pennsylvania. We’re aiming to double that number during our RJC Victory Team National Day of Action, scheduled for this Wednesday, March 25th.

Normally, a Day of Action would involve hundreds of volunteers on the ground in key Jewish communities. This year, we are moving our first National Day of Action online to keep the momentum going. You can be part of this effort, right from your own home, using just your smart device or computer and our free calling app.

Please sign up here to volunteer and to get the details about how to participate.

Our emails and our newly redesigned web site will continue to provide you with timely, useful information about the news of the day, as well as ways you can get involved and make a difference in this election. You can also follow us on Twitter and Facebook for the very latest RJC news.

Wishing all of our members and friends only good health and a quick recovery from the disruptions of the moment.

Norm Coleman   Matt Brooks
National Chairman   Executive Director






If you like the work we’re doing, consider joining us on Facebook and Twitter, and renew or upgrade your RJC membership. Ensure that your voice is heard in our party and our community!

We want to hear from you!
Share your comments and ideas with us here.

Republican Jewish Coalition | 50 F Street, N.W., Suite 100 | Washington, DC 20001
202.638.6688 | [email protected]
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