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Nikki Haley Needs an Intervention

Matt Vespa

Conservatives, Give War a Chance

Kurt Schlichter

The Ballad of a Lions Fan

Derek Hunter

I Don’t Really Care Who the Nominee Is

Derek Hunter

Fact Checkers Get Blasted by Facts, Frum Defends the Worst Democrat, and SNL Is Unintentionally LOL

Brad Slager

Bombshell House Committee Report on DEI, The FBI, and National Security

John Nantz

You Should Rethink Flying United Airlines

Dennis Prager

Trump's Inflection Point Began Where No One Was Looking: East Palestine

Salena Zito

The Gambling Industry Wants to Make Fantasy Sports Leagues Illegal

Stephen Moore

Is What Congressional Staffers Are Doing a New Deep State Activity?

Matt Vespa

Why a Judge Only Gave Probabtion to a Woman Who Stabbed Her Boyfriend 108 Times

Matt Vespa

E. Jean Carroll's Answer on How She'll Spend Her Trump Money Could Win Him the Election

Matt Vespa

We're Getting a Preview of Biden's Plan for Retaliation and People Definitely Have Thoughts

Rebecca Downs

John Kirby Doesn't Want to 'Impugn' the UNRWA Despite Terrorist Ties

Rebecca Downs

Tim Scott Continues to Be One of Trump's Best Surrogates

Rebecca Downs

The Emerging Drama Between the Trump Team and RFK Jr. Over the Veepstakes

Matt Vespa

Biden's Bad Deal

Cal Thomas

These Are Times That ‘Buckle Men’s Legs’

Will Alexander

The Number One Question That Now Remains, Part Two

Mark Lewis

Goal of Open Border Is to Turn Texas Blue

Jeff Crouere

The Fatwa That Did Not Bark

Alan Joseph Bauer

On Throwing Soup at the Mona Lisa

Christian Josi

Skyrocketing Illegal Immigration From Venezuela Poses a Serious National Security Threat

Pawel Styrna

The Constitution Favors Texas

Jonathan Emord

Under Biden, We Don’t Know Who’s Coming Into the US

Selene Rodriguez

Woke Advertising: First Advertising Wanted to Sell, Then to Entertain, Now It Wants to Indoctrinate

Rainer Zitelmann

On Eve of Markup for Impeaching Mayorkas, MTG Gives a Look on How We Got Here and What's to Come

Rebecca Downs

Does Biden Not Know Who the Sitting President Is or Where Beau Died? We Just Saw His Worst Weekend Yet

Rebecca Downs

Education Board in Blue State Takes Bold Step to Protect Children From Pornographic Books

Madeline Leesman

Political Cartoons
Bearing Arms
If Anyone Needs to Explain Why They Need Guns, It's the EPA |
Anti-Gunners Aren't Just Targeting What Guns You Can Buy |
Guns & Ammo Editor Nearly Shoots Himself Proving That Serpa Holsters Suck |
Concerted Effort Pushing So-Called ‘Safe Storage’ on Multiple Fronts |
What Happens Next in California Carry Lawsuits |
On Gun Issues, Stop Looking at the Outliers |