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Dear John,  

Ted Pankiewicz

Be sure to visit our website:

It's a Beautiful Monday...
marred by the presence of a nasty virus, potentially fatal, that has disrupted not just our county, not just our state, not just our nation, but the entire planet.
You all already know the protocols regarding safety and virus transmission, so I won't repeat them - but I WILL remind you to observe them!

On the political front, President Trump is now being attacked for how he handled information he had in January. January was the month in which Trump had implemented border control measures against areas afflicted with the virus and also the month in which he declared the virus to be a public health emergency. The question becomes, what else would his detractors have wanted him to do at that time? Perhaps shut down the largest economy the world had ever seen, prematurely? The current shutdown, while fighting a disease, is bad enough. To shut down the nation against nothing would not have been tolerable, and would have been seen as a dictatorial abuse of power, and an over-cautious, panicky response to a merely potential-crisis. What we are hearing in these criticisms is simply politics in a time of national emergency.

Stay safe, stay healthy, ride out the virus, and we will see you all soon!!

And locally...

Republican HQ is CLOSED. Phone calls are being answered remotely, and business is still being conducted by appointment, including the distribution of Trump yard signs.

Trump HQ is CLOSED. Phone calls are being answered remotely, and business is still being conducted by appointment, including the distribution of Trump yard signs.



The below content has been generated by Republican Clubs, and is not the responsibility of the Indian River County REC.



The below content has been generated by Republican candidates for elective office, and is not the responsibility of the Indian River County REC. Indian River County REC has not, and does not, endorse any of the candidates whose announcements may appear below, unless and until a specific declaration of endorsement is made and published by the Indian River County REC.

 Joe Saul
Secretary Indian River County REC




Joe Saul
Indian River County Republican Executive Committee



Indian River County Republican Executive Committee, 2001 9th Ave., Ste. 107, Vero Beach, FL 32960
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