Team — This session of Congress is on pace to become one of the least productive in history.
We could spend all day writing about why that’s the case, but it all boils down to one simple fact — MAGA Republicans are unwilling to address the issues that Americans actually care about.
Pat is traveling across the Hudson Valley to speak to voters about their concerns. Affordable health care. Gun violence. Education. And more.
But the far-right majority that controls the House doesn’t have any interest in solving these issues.
Instead, they spend their time competing with each other to prove to their base that they’re more MAGA than their colleagues.
And while that may help them get on cable news or gain followers on social media, it doesn’t do anything for tens of millions of hardworking Americans who are just trying to make ends meet.
Americans don’t want the fundamental rights that they’ve had for decades to be ripped away. And seniors don’t want the critical services that they rely on and have earned like Social Security and Medicare cut.
But if we don’t win in 2024, MAGA Republicans will look to pass all these unpopular positions and more as they continue their drift to the right.
Team, this session of Congress is making history for all the wrong reasons. Will you donate to Pat’s campaign today ahead of our first end-of-month deadline of 2024 to help him defend his seat and put Democrats on track to flip the House from red to blue so Congress can get back to addressing the issues that actually matter?
Please use the links in this email to start a monthly donation through ActBlue.
Your support will go a long way toward returning the power of government back to the people. Thank you.
— Pat Ryan HQ

Pat Ryan defied pundits and pollsters twice in 2022, winning in a high-profile special election in August and becoming the only Democrat to win a toss-up race in New York.
As a West Point graduate, Pat lives and serves the Hudson Valley with duty and honor. Pat has a proven record of standing up for his country and community and is unequivocal in his fight to defend our rights and freedoms. Chip in to help Pat defend this toss-up seat!