Hello Senate GLASS Caucus Members!


The 2023 GLASS Caucus Board hopes you had a wonderful start to the new year! We are so excited to continue building community with you all in 2024!


First things first, we all need to renew our GLASS memberships (Full Members, dues are due!). In 2024, we will be making a few changes—starting with introducing membership tiers (more on that below). Please fill out this form to complete your 2024 GLASS Membership registration.


We are also excited to announce that we are developing a mentorship program in 2024 with the intention to formalize our expansive network of queer professionals in the Senate and beyond. Make sure you indicate if you are interested in participating in the GLASS Mentorship program (as a mentor or a mentee) on the 2024 GLASS Membership form. We will send more information in the coming months, so keep looking out for those Substack newsletters!


Speaking of Substack, we have fully moved away from our old website and will now be housing all of our newsletters, updates, and other information at https://senateglasscaucus.substack.com/. Substack also has an app, so make sure you download it for easy access to all of our content. Also, don’t forget to follow us on Twitter (X) and Instagram at @GLASScaucus!


Here are the new membership tiers (more info on each tier can be found on the 2024 GLASS Membership form and in this email below our signature blocks):


Lastly, we will be starting the 2024 Senate GLASS Caucus Board Election process in February so make sure you are up to date with your membership to participate in the election! *Notice for 2024 GLASS Board Election: Only Full Members are automatically eligible to vote in the upcoming 2024 GLASS Board Election. If you would like to participate in the 2024 GLASS Board Election, choose the Full Member option.


Please reach out should you have any questions! Thank you so much!


Laakea Stone and Kevin Figueroa

Directors of Membership

Senate GLASS Caucus



2024 Senate GLASS Caucus Membership Tiers:


Full Member:

      *Remote Member sub-tier:


Associate Member:


“Friends of” Member: