| Household chores have a way of turning two loving partners into combatants. Every couple has their particular battle: Maybe it’s the oh-so-common dishwasher argument. Or maybe it’s a back and forth about how your definition of “tidy” doesn’t match up with theirs. Or maybe someone is grumpy that they have to re-fold the laundry because you didn’t do it “right.” Or one of you is resentful of the fact that you simply do more. Or… The list goes on. Splitting chores — and especially the “who does what?” of it all — is one of the most common sources of frustration in couples because it’s about more than chores. And anyone caught in the push and pull of household labor arguments would be wise to sit down and perform a chore audit. An audit?!? Yeah, it sounds — and is — a bit tedious. But it lays bare everything that needs to be done, and helps defuse any resentment that may be in play. It really works. |
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|  | The ability to run a household together is an indirect demonstration of how well a couple communicates and works together. |  |
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| |  | BREVILLE | Joule Turbo Sous Vide | Sous vide sounds fancy but it’s simply a cooking method where food is vacuum sealed and then submerged in a temperature-controlled water bath for a chunk of time. It’s great for making ultra-tender meat that requires very little babysitting. Plus, it’s almost impossible to mess up. The Turbo is an excellent tool for the job, and one of the most compact sous vide devices available. A streamlined app walks cooks through every step of the process, and an intelligent system keeps everything consistent while helping cut standard sous vide times in half. | | |
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