Here’s why I know we can win. While my corporate-funded opponents fight each other for scraps, my base of support remains undivided.
Progressives, queer and trans people, young people, people advocating for a ceasefire—those factions have been and will stay behind me.
And this year, we’re expanding that base of support. We’ve already texted 150,000 voters and reached almost 180,000 voters in our district with digital ads. Last cycle I received over 60,000 votes, which would secure a place for me in this year’s top-two runoff.
But we need to keep pushing.
In our poll last month, only 17% of voters knew my name. But 75% of people who watched our ad said they were likely to vote for me.
Pitch in now to help us get out the vote, and make sure Los Angeles, Burbank, Glendale, West Hollywood, and Pasadena know they have a community-centered, people-over-profits candidate to vote for on March 5th: