This morning, we are in Washington, D.C., right in front of the Department of Health and Human Services. We are with allies like National Center for Transgender Equality, National Women’s Law Center, and more, showing the power of unity against injustice.
Over the past month, we have collected more than 19,000 comments to Protect Trans Health from Trump’s attack on the Health Care Rights Law. This is our final push! The deadline to submit comments opposing Trump’s proposal is next Tuesday, August 13th. Submit your own comment today and share it with three friends!

Amplifying our Voices at the Supreme Court
Since TLC won Mia Macy’s case in 2012, courts across the country have held that employers cannot fire transgender workers just because of who we are. In October, the Supreme Court will hear a pivotal case looking at those years of precedent establishing that Title VII of the Civil Rights Act protects trans employees from discrimination. We believe that the Supreme Court must hear directly from the many trans people who have experienced employment discrimination, so TLC partnered with the Center for Constitutional Rights to highlight our community’s stories in an amicus brief to the Court and ongoing campaign.
Read more about the amicus brief and stories here.
What are the legal priorities of trans people living with HIV?
Last week, we launched the needs assessment report for Positively Trans (T+), a project that centers trans people impacted by or living with HIV/AIDS. The report focuses on three regions: Detroit, Michigan; New Orleans, Louisiana; and South Florida (Miami and Fort Lauderdale). Our findings illuminate the social conditions of trans and gender nonconforming people in housing, healthcare, employment, and more.
Read the report here!

Stonewall Never Ended. Stonewall Is Now.
For Pride month this year, TLC sent a message to the LGBTQ movement and the world: Stonewall Is Now. The campaign launched in partnership with Black LGBTQIA+ Migrant Project, Familia: Trans Queer Liberation Movement, Mijente, El/La Para Translatinas, and the Detainee Migrant Solidarity Committee. At the Stonewall Inn in 1969, trans people of color rose up against police and state violence. That violence continues to this day – as does our resistance. We look forward to keeping you updated as this campaign continues to develop beyond Pride month.
Sign the #StonewallIsNow pledge here.
Don't forget to save the date!
SPARK!, our largest annual celebration, brings together over 400 of our supporters and partners to celebrate our victories, recommit to justice, and advance rights for TGNC (trans and gender nonconforming) people. Won’t you join us?