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National Secular Society

Challenging Religious Privilege


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Your daily media briefing - Monday 23 March


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Secularism in the media


Religious workers can continue to send their children to school

"Religious staff" are included in a new list of "key workers" who are exempt from the nationwide closure of schools in response to the coronavirus pandemic.

Christian Today


Amendment to emergency coronavirus legislation would prioritise religious treatment of dead

A proposed amendment, backed by the Board of Deputies of British Jews, would require local authorities to consult families or faith groups before cremating people from religious backgrounds during the coronavirus outbreak. This follows the proposal of emergency measures which would enable councils to direct cremations if necessary.

The Jewish Chronicle


Government must intervene to close Stamford Hill synagogues, health worker urges

The worker, who has family in Stamford Hill, urged the authorities to act after reports that some among the Charedi community were not observing the recommended practices of social distancing.

The Jewish Chronicle


Ohio orders abortion clinics to stop 'nonessential abortions' because of coronavirus

The Ohio Attorney General's office ordered abortion clinics in the state to stop performing "nonessential" abortions and surgeries amid the coronavirus pandemic, according to letters the AG's office sent.



Brazilian church wins court battle to remain open despite coronavirus

A major evangelical church in Brazil has won a court battle to remain open despite warnings that large gatherings will help spread the coronavirus.

The Guardian


'The isolated tribes at risk of illness from Amazon missionaries'

As evangelical Christians use their influence with Brazil's government to cast their net ever wider, indigenous people vulnerable to common diseases face a growing threat.

The Guardian


Ultra-Orthodox in Israel ignoring social distancing: ‘We’re not scared'

Earlier this week, several prominent rabbinic leaders in Israel announced that they would not comply with government directives, stating that their schools and yeshivas would remain open.

The Jerusalem Post


In case you missed it...


Let’s not replace a community school with a faith school in Surrey

A plan to open a Church of England school on the site of a community school in the village of Englefield Green is not in residents' interests, says Robert Evans.


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