Given the certification of all six initiatives, we want to highlight our recent interview with Let’s Go Washington founder, Brian Heywood.
Shift Washington


The 2024 legislative session is continues with big news on the Let’s Go Washington initiatives! And, as we continue delivering the latest news coming out of Olympia, we hope to keep you up-to-date with an item or two of interest last week from your own backyard. Read on…

This week’s Newsmaker Interview…
Given the certification of all six initiatives, we want to highlight our recent interview with Let’s Go Washington founder, Brian Heywood. In his interview, Heywood discusses his organization’s initiatives to remove unreasonable restrictions on police pursuit, repeal the expensive carbon tax which has already raised gas prices 45 cents a gallon, allow Washington residents to “opt-out” of the state’s Long-Term Care payroll tax and plan, repeal the state’s Capital Gains Income tax, prohibit the state and any local government from imposing an income tax, and establish parents as the primary stakeholders in a child’s upbringing (parents bill of rights). Read more.

This week’s top story…
The recent survey conducted by Stuart Elway anticipates a highly partisan gubernatorial campaign this year. Despite the lack of enthusiasm among respondents, only 24% of registered voters have chosen a candidate they intend to vote for, according to the poll. Elway attributes the expected partisan nature to factors such as party identification or ideology, mentioned by 22% of respondents, and an equal emphasis on indicating someone they will not vote for as someone they will or could vote for. Read this story and more.

In case you missed it…
Democrats in Washington are pushing another terrible proposal, and this time it's about banning what they call "hostile architecture" in public spaces to prevent homeless camping. According to KIRO Newsradio, the ban specifically targets design elements that hinder activities like skateboarding but doesn't mind those aimed at disrupting a homeless person's sleep. The reasoning? Well, it's to avoid restricting the use of public spaces by those experiencing homelessness. Read this story and more.

Your bit of inspiration for the week…
Enjoy the beauty of the Willamette Valley, as photographed by former U.S. Rep. Rod Chandler.