I will get right to it, John: Recent polling shows that we are ahead of our likely Republican opponent Scott Baugh!
Polling data

We have a narrow one-point lead on Baugh, and when voters learn about my vision for Orange County, our lead skyrockets to 14-points.

Experts at the Cook Political Report have ranked our toss-up race as one of the most competitive in the entire country – which means the outcome in CA-47 very well could tip the scales when it comes to who controls the House majority.

This is encouraging news, but there are still thousands of undecided voters in CA-47 we need to reach before our fast-approaching March primary in less than six weeks.

Will you chip in $3 to help us boost our on-the-ground programs and defeat MAGA Republican Scott Baugh? Even $1 will show the national GOP (and our opponent) that we have the power of the people on our side.
If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:
$10 $35
$50 $100
$250 OTHER

In unity,
