

I hope you and your families are all well and keeping positive in these unprecedented times.  While the economic ramifications could be significant, even more of an issue may be the social and emotional ramifications COVID-19 will have on us and our loved ones.  The future is unknown, so think about where you can make a difference and focus on that – that is in your home, with your family, with your community.  While you social distance and wash your hands, be sure also to keep the toxins in your body low and your immune system strong, so if you do get sick you can come through it well.  Stay healthy and be positive.


One of our lobbyists, Roxanne Gould, compiled xxxxxxrmation on the most recent announcements related to the COVID-19 outbreak in California.  I wanted to share this with you as they are a great summary.  Please feel free to share them with credit.


Governor Newsom held a press conference last evening to provide an update on California's response to COVID-19, after which he issued his newest Executive Order. Newsom began by recognizing this has been a remarkable week, and this is a very challenging time with a lot of anxiety. He commended the mindset of Californians, and those all across the country, highlighting the collaborative spirit that exists amongst government and the private sector, as well as the California community at large.  


General Update


Hospitals/Health Care Update

o   California also requested additional supplies from the National Stockpile. The additional request includes:

o   Personal Protective Equipment:

§  20 million N95 masks

§  10 million surgical masks

§  600,000 surgical gowns

§  600,000 face shields

§  600,000 gloves

§  300,000 goggles

§  100,000 coveralls

o   Medical Supplies:

§  10,000 ventilators

o   Lab and Diagnostic Supplies:

§  2 million swabs

§  200,000 RNA extraction kits


Business Update


COVID-19 By the Numbers in CA 

The following xxxxxxrmation is current as of 2pm on March 20, 2020. Your local jurisdictions may have more updated numbers pertinent to your area.


Per the CA Dept. of Public Health, “in order to better focus public health resources on the changing needs of California communities, on March 18, the state is no longer collecting xxxxxxrmation about California travelers returning from countries that have confirmed COVID-19 outbreaks. Community transmission of COVID-19 has been identified in California since late February, and since early March, most of the confirmed cases in the state were not related to travel outside of the United States.”


More xxxxxxrmation can be found on CDPH’s website.


Governor’s Directives to Date

·       March 21, 2020 Executive Order - Expanding the Capacity to Combat COVID-19 in Health Care Facilities


Be positive, stay safe and love those around you.



Christina Hildebrand


A Voice for Choice Advocacy, Inc.

408 835 9353



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